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The Book of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist of the Revelation Given Him by the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. - *The Revelation of The Lord God Jesus Christ* The Book of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist of the Revelation Given Him by the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. ...13 years ago
Monday, January 30, 2012
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: Opium Lords Israel, the Golden Triangle and the Kennedy Assassination by Salvador Astucia (Dec. 2003, 2nd edition)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam
Call For An Immediate End of Ethnic Cleansing By Israel
The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory, Mr. Maxwell Gaylard, today January 29 2012, called for an immediate end to the demolition of Palestinian homes by the authorities of the Government of Israel in the occupied West Bank.
Earlier this month January Mr. Gaylard stated: „Almost 1,100 Palestinians, over half of them children, were displaced due to home demolitions by Israeli forces in 2011, over 80% more than in 2010. The forced displacement of Palestinian families and the destruction of civilian homes and other property by Israeli forces in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, have a serious humanitarian impact. Israel, as the occupying power in the West Bank, has the obligation to protect Palestinian civilians and to administer the territory for their benefit. International law prohibits the forced displacement or transfer of civilians as well as the destruction of private property, unless absolutely necessary for military operations.“
According to the statment issued by the office of Mr. Gaylard January 26 2012, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
1. The forced displacement of Palestinian families and the destruction of civilian homes and other property by Israeli forces in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, have a serious humanitarian impact. Demolitions deprive people of their homes, often their main source of physical and economic security. They also disrupt their livelihoods, reducing their standard of living and undermining their access to basic services, such as water and sanitation, education and health care.
2. The impact on families’ psychosocial well-being can be devastating. Women often feel a loss of control over domestic matters and a heightened sense of insecurity while men experience increased stress and anxiety. For many children, the demolition, along with the disruption to education and increased tension in the home, results in depression, anxiety and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
3. According to Israeli authorities, demolitions are carried out because structures lack the required building permits. In reality, it is almost impossible for Palestinians to obtain permits. The zoning and planning regime enforced by Israel in Area C and East Jerusalem restricts Palestinian growth and development, while providing preferential treatment for unlawful Israeli settlements. This treatment includes the approval of master plans and the provision of essential infrastructure, participation in the planning process, and the allocation of land and water resources.
4. In Area C, a combination of Israeli policies and practices, including restrictive zoning and planning, settlement expansion, settler violence, and restrictions on movement and access, have resulted in fragmentation of land and shrinking space for Palestinians, undermining their presence. Israeli authorities have also indicated that they intend to transfer several Palestinian communities out of strategic parts of Area C, raising further humanitarian and legal concerns.
5. Israel, as the occupying power in the West Bank, has the obligation to protect Palestinian civilians and to administer the territory for their benefit. International law prohibits the forced displacement or transfer of civilians as well as the destruction of private property, unless absolutely necessary for military operations. Demolitions of homes and other civilian structures should end immediately and Palestinians should have access to fair and effective zoning and planning for their communities.
The Secretary-General appointed Mr. Maxwell Gaylard as the Deputy Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, and the United Nations coordinator for humanitarian and development activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in March 2008.
Mr. Gaylard has been acting as Deputy Special Coordinator since November 2007. He previously served as Director of the United Nations Mine Action Service, and before that spent significant periods of time as a senior United Nations humanitarian and coordination official in Somalia, Sudan and northern Iraq. In these capacities, he served in some of the most challenging field stations for the United Nations and gained relevant expertise in coordinating the United Nations country team’s response to pressing humanitarian and developmental needs.
An Australian national, Mr. Gaylard began his career with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and also served with the Commonwealth Secretariat before he joined the United Nations. Mr. Gaylard was born in 1946 in Nambour, Queensland, where he received his primary and secondary schooling, and is a graduate of the University of Queensland and the Australian National University. Mr. Gaylard also served with the Australian military forces from 1968 to 1970.
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January 29th, 2012 | Tags: east jerusalem, Maxwell Gaylard, Occupied Palestinian Territory, OCHA, UN | Category: Gaza, IDF, Israel, Jerusalem, Middle East, Occupation, PA, Palestine, UN, Zionism
Bonjour Ms. Salam,
All Men Are Created In the Image And Likeness Of God.
26 ¶ And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth. (DRV)
This is a core Catholic belief. It is self evident to all people with a conscience. It also explains something quite opposite to it.
When Adam sinned it took place because of the envy of the devil.
12 Wherefore as by one man sin entered into this world and by sin death: and so death passed upon all men, in whom all have sinned. (DRV)
Wisdom 2:
23 For God created man incorruptible, and to the image of his own likeness he made him. 24 But by the envy of the devil, death came into the world: 25 And they follow him that are of his side. (DRV)
What was the devil’s temptation? It was this:
1 ¶ Now the serpent was more subtle than any of the beasts of the earth which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman: Why hath God commanded you, that you should not eat of every tree of paradise?
2 And the woman answered him, saying: Of the fruit of the trees that are in paradise we do eat:
3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of paradise, God hath commanded us that we should not eat; and that we should not touch it, lest perhaps we die.
4 And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death.
5 For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.
6 ¶ And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold: and she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave to her husband, who did eat.
and you shall be as Gods
They chose to be their own gods. This is the base of racism. For if one were one’s own god in one’s own image and likeness, then one would be the founder of a race of gods who would look the same as oneself and be connected by bloodline, and one would consider oneself better than others.
But the Apostles, basing themselves on the teaching of Jesus Christ, taught that all men are equal in their creation by and in the sight of God.
Acts:17:26, 27:
26 And hath made of one, all mankind, to dwell upon the whole face of the earth, determining appointed times and the limits of their habitation.
27 That they should seek God, if haply they may feel after him or find him, although he be not far from every one of us. (DRV)
Therefore racism is of the devil and to be absolutely condemned. All eugenics is based in racism and condemned by God. All of the Talmudists and all of Zionism is utterly infected with the seeds of hatred of God and racist hatred of all people. The New World Order is founded on hatred of God and the elites racism and worship of their own selves in total contravention of God’s law – see Gospel of Saint Matthew Chapters 5-7, sermon on the mount, Our Lord Jesus Christ’s preaching of God’s law.
The Catholic Faith calls all men to come to salvation in Jesus Christ. The Catholic Faith also calls in the Name of Christ the King of all Nations for equal justice here on earth for all men. We must obey God.
Islam calls for justice in all earthly rule in honoring the true God, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.
Together we can bring this about with all people of good will in Palestine and do away with the racist Zionist overlordship imposed by western colonialists with complicity from others.
Please let us look to pan-African help for for the Palestinian cause as well.
Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam: Global Science: 10 Theses For A Scientific Conception Of The 21st Century
Global Science: 10 Theses For A Scientific Conception Of The 21st Century
The paper “Global Science: 10 Theses For A Scientific Conception Of The 21st Century” By the Syrian med doctor and philosopher Dr. med. Nadim Sradj, MA was submitted to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) with the aim that the principles he presents would be accepted for recognized by the organization. Dr. Sradj first presented his paper as a lecture during the opening session the Conference 27th Annual Meeting of ARABMED in Madrid. The lecture is translated to several languages: English, German, French and Arabic.
Dr. Sradj has also submitted his scientific paper for publishing at the worldwide news service and web site He hopes that the readers will express their opinions and views on his paper “10 Theses For A Scientific Conception Of The 21st Century”.
Global Science in the 21st Century – A Definition from the Standpoint of Political Philosophy
We take the term ‘global’ to be the overcoming of internal (psychological) and external regional and national (geographic) limits on the multidimensionality of the pluralistic world (see appendix: “Development of Global Thought”). In contrast, what is local is marked by conscious demarcation. Borders are principally a negation of freedom.
Global science consists of three types of components:
1. Logical: the presentation of dynamic relationships of elements to each other while taking their functional complex of meaning into account (teleology). Structural knowledge differentiates itself from the conventional
inductive experimental logic of John Stuart Mill (1843).
2. Genetic: Knowledge serves to gain orientation and experience improvement within the living environment and attempts to overcome detailed know-how for the benefit of orientational knowledge and in order to determine what is constant among what is changing.
3. Topical-perspectival: Common sense formulates a catalog of topoi (Aristotle’s Topics) in order to recognize and solve a problem situatively and argumentatively. It contrasts with normative expertise and expert’s authoritarian behavior (thinking about problems versus systematic thought).
In contrast to the scientific strategy of knowledge as ‘trial and error,‘ which leads to unending experimentation, we represent a dialectic of simultaneity including both progress and regress. This philosophy of dialog with the natural world attempts to overcome the knowledge sovereignty that is bound up with false consciousness and alienation, thus seeking to avoid irreversible damages from technology (Chernobyl,
Similar to the United Nations’ non-governmental organizations (NGO), we call for the establishment of an independent control commission so that artificial demarcations such as that between ‘German’ and ‘Jewish’ physics during Nazi rule are not able to be repeated.
Knowledge, regardless of the form in which it comes, is bound neither to national borders nor powers. The dynamics of thought has as a consequence a situation where centers of knowledge and power are not able to perpetually hold their monopoly position.
The development of what is global proceeds from the part to the whole, from the simple to the complex, and from that which is static to changeably dynamic.
Crossing borders represents progress in the conscious awareness of freedom.
1 Aristotle. Topik Organon V. Hamburg, 1968.
2 Viehweg, Theodor. Topik und Jurispudenz – Ein Beitrag zur rechtswissenschaftlichen
Grundlagenforschung. C.H. Beck: München, 1969.
Global Science: 10 Theses For A Scientific Conception Of The 21st Century
1. Scientists cannot place themselves above or outside of nature.
“Knowers” and “non-knowers,” human beings as well as plants and animals, are an integral part of nature.2. Laws composed by people can not determine nature.
3. Science is not the monopoly of any particular nation, state, society, or institution. Every nation has its own specific cultural tradition and is to be respected for its individual manner of viewing things and solving problems. For example, in Europe, China or India pain is treated differently. There is no hierarchy of knowledge. The dynamics of knowledge do not allow this, since cognition is constantly undergoing modification.
4. What follows is a call to methodological pluralism in research. There are no specific and exclusive methods leading to truth. The history of science is a history of trial and error.
5. The modern phenomenon of normative ‘expertocracy’ (leadership by the experts) constricts the scientific perspective in an inadmissible way. Common sense is formally more comprehensive than the so-called ‘scientific’ findings of experts. Arguments based on reason are more important and more often correct than statistical ‘proofs’ and ‘significant’ curves. The most recent international economic and financial crisis has provided evidence for this.
6. Expertocracy modifies scientific opinions and results into norms, standards, and laws. By this, it transforms knowledge of communication into knowledge as an instrument of power.7. The adage of the philosopher Bacon that “knowledge is power” paves the way for corruption and crime. The philosopher Paul Feyerabend rightly introduced the term of “science mafia” as a new dimension of contemporary epistemology (comp. Feyerabend, P. Widerstreit und Harmonie (Conflict and Harmony), Vienna 1996, p. 78). Progress by science is not the only way of development; it is often used as mere justification of interests.
8. Establishing a strategic equilibrium for research approaches between economics and ecology, between technology and biology, and between natural and synthetic substances (gene manipulation) is called for.
9. Concepts, hypotheses, and theories are heuristically necessary but not sufficient. Additionally, pictures are required in order to make interrelationships clear. Art and science should compose an intellectual unity (e.g., Dali: watches + pictures of polyaxial chronometry).
10. Mankind has to give up the idea of dominating over nature and has to aspire after reconciliation and dialogue with nature. In this way the idea of ethics and of morality in science and research will regain their particular importance.
Call for Papers and Opinions
On the International Congress of Arabic Physicians in Europe (Arabmed) in Dublin November 2010, we agreed to open an interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue on “Global Science – Theses for a Scientific Conception of the 21st Century”.
The aim of this study is to point out the influence of scientific theories on the different societies of the world and to unveil socio-political backgrounds of our time.
Visible and invisible processes should be analyzed in order to understand more about international changes and developments.
This work is meant as a contribution to peace and to a better understanding among the peoples of the world. The intention is to publish these papers as a manifesto.
May we ask you to participate in our discourse by writing a short contribution to one or several theses mentioned in the following either in English, Arabic or German?
Please give your opinion about:
1- How do you see science in general and especially in your country?
2- Do you think that science is able to solve problems of nature and society?
3-Do you think that science does necessarily imply reason and mind? Does science always lead to progress?
4- Can we import or export logic and methods from one country to another?
5- Additionally to logic of research there is also psychology of research.
Do you think that science can influence the consciousness causing ideologies of science?
Thank you in advance!
Dr. med. Nadim Sradj, M.A. / Vice President of Arabmed
Union of Arabic Physicians in Europe / NGO Member of the United Nations. Sradj [at] gmx [dot] de
Explanatory Notes on 10 Theses for a Worldview in the 21st century
1. Scientists are unable to place themselves over or outside of nature. ‘Knowers’ and ‘non-knowers’ are, like plants and animals, an integral component of nature.
Science is a system of statements ordered according to principles which are either deductive, hypothetical (based on premises held to be true) or inductively empirical (based on problems and seeking to find a viable answer). In this connection, what is decisive is that the process of gaining knowledge can be traced intersubjectively and is logically stringent.
Over the course of the centuries, Protagoras’ statement that ‘man is the measure of all things’ has led to a massive overestimation of man’s own capabilities and an absolutization of mankind with all its negative consequences. After the ‘failure of reason’ (Kojev) it has become clear that living nature has a basic value which has largely been ignored up to the present. The consequence of this knowledge is the following:
Not mankind but rather whatever is alive, as a whole (man, animal, plant, usw.), is the measure of all things.
2. Laws composed by mankind cannot determine the laws of nature.
Immanuel Kant formulated his theory of knowledge in the following manner: ‘Human reason prescribes laws to nature.’ Without wanting to belittle the achievements of Kant as a great critical philosopher: In this respect he was not critical enough. To principally derive nature from human wisdom is not acceptable. This point of view corresponds to a false awareness, an ideology.
3. Science is not a monopoly belonging to a particular nation, state, society, or institution. Every nation has its own specific cultural tradition, having its own approach that is to be respected, its things to observe, and its problems to solve. For example, pain is treated differently in Europe than in China and India. There is no hierarchy and no authorities over knowledge. The dynamics of the matter do not allow this, since knowledge is subject to constant transformation.
While the scientific worldview of the 20th century was shaped by European philosophy, the tendency of the 21st century is to overcome this Euro-centrism. An example of this is the successful combination of different international research approaches in the development of our System Therapy we practice with respect to macular degeneration (see appendix: International Origins …). A patient in a critical situation (such as being in danger of blindness) no longer asks about national borders. The patient only seeks help – wherever in the world that might be!
4. What follows from this is the call for methodological pluralism in research. There is no specific and sole method which leads to truth. The history of knowledge is the history of trial and error.
In logic the saying applies that ‘nothing is closer to the truth than error.’ Every instance of scientific knowledge is imperfect, incomplete, and provisional. For the most part, scientific work consists of constantly expanding the frontiers and foundations of knowledge. What serves us as a foundation are the eight known logical and methodological forms. The selection of which of these methods and forms of logic should be applied in a certain case depends on the object and the specific set of questions at hand. While the inductive-experimental method basically assumes that every new piece of knowledge is progress and thereby the borders of progress are stretched, the Heraclitic-
Hegelian dialectic involves progress and regress in equal measure. The accuracy of this point of view is confirmed by the observation that in spite of highly developed technology, there is no reduction of irreversible environmental damage.
5. The modern phenomenon of normative ‘expertocracy’ (the rule of the experts) constricts the perspective in an impermissible manner. Common sense is formally more comprehensive than the reductionistic and so-called ‘scientific’ know-how. Arguments from reason are more important and mostly more correct than statistical ‘proofs’ and ‘significant’ curves. The most recent economic and financial crises have provided a demonstration of this.
Complexity and irregular dynamics in today’s world make it impossible for politicians to reach a clear orientation and to conceptualize their thinking and action. Frequently they have to move like firemen, rushing from one crisis to another. For that reason a new political class has arisen: the experts. However, experts have frequently overstepped their original advisory function and have become decision making structures. Over the course of time, they have acquired immunity and authority by virtue of so-called ‘scientific objectivity.’ As early as the 1972 report by the Club of Rome entitled “The Limits to Growth,” attention was drawn to anomalies and undesirable developments within the economy and science. Politicians and experts have totally ignored this warning up to the present day. It is time to call them to account in this respect.
The safeguarding of decisions by measures of significance, statistics, ‘clinical trials,’ experiments on animals, etc., i.e., through a so-called ‘scientific instrumentarium’ has all too often shown itself to be a mere justification of self-interest. Through the apparent objectivity of experts, the feelings and opinions, i.e., the subjectivity, of so-called lay people are practically shut out.
6. The legitimization of knowledge that is a consequence of expertocracy transforms the knowledge of communication into sovereign knowledge.
Statements made by experts are frequently dogmatized and declared to be the ruling opinions. To this end use is made of large amounts of research materials, multicenter studies, known personalities, international comparisons and – cooperation with and manipulation of the public media. Under these conditions, ‘justice’ is served and laws passed. The judicial justification for this is ‘convention.’ Viewed from the epistemological standpoint of the philosophy of science, ‘convention’ means an arbitrary, one-sided decision for a theory or hypothesis, which has to be neither logically nor objectively founded (Poincaré). The alliance between major industry, party politics, and legislation allows neither critical inspection nor an alternative thereto.
7. Bacon’s adage that ‘knowledge is power’ paves the way for corruption and crime. The philosopher Paul Feyerabend correctly introduced the term ‘science mafia’ as a new dimension of present day epistemology (comp. Feyerabend, P. Widerstreit und Harmonie, Wien 1996, p. 78; English title: The Tyranny of Science). Progress through science is not the sole path to development. This is often just a justification of interests.
Regarding the positive chief virtue of knowledge there are also cognitive, negative side effects, such as alienation in the sense of a degenerative change in consciousness. It is to be noted that normally knowledge is understood as an enrichment or value. As soon as knowledge is seen as power, one falls to the level of the misuse of power. The demoniacal aspect of power and the false consciousness of many a scientist shift the logic of research to the psychology and psychopathology of research. The history of science over the last one hundred years in particular has demonstrated anomalies such as the differentiation between ‘German’ and ‘Einsteinian’ physics. The falsification of scientific research results and the manipulation of statistics is in the meantime an open secret. On the one hand, scientific work holding forth new insights and knowledge is rejected through the intervention of an individual (one phone call suffices!) while plagiarism is simultaneously given the highest praise. Invoking ‘scientific scholarship’ is no longer a criteria for credibility and correct results.
8. There is the need for the production of a strategic balance of research approaches between commercial and ecological aspects, between biology and technology, between natural and synthetic materials (gene manipulation).
The Bush administration gave their vote in favor of the economy and against ecology with respect to the United Nations climate conference in Kyoto. During this conference, the Democratic Vice President of the United States, Al Gore, said that nature is sick and urgently needs a physician. The one-sided concentration on the economy and technology has inflicted irreversible damage on nature. The productions of synthetic materials, such as plastics and poisons, have upset the ecological system. The earth has become a giant car garage. Even medicine has left its historical roots and foundation for the benefit of overly subtle technologies and an exclusively artificial pharmacology. The overestimation of the economy and technology has brought about a shift in the relationship of knowledge and personal interests to the detriment of knowledge. In the long run, thinking in categories of pure material interest brings blindness to values.
9. Concepts, hypotheses, and theories are heuristically necessary but not sufficient. Pictures are also required in order to clarify the overall context. Art and science should build an intellectual unity (e.g., Dali: watches and poly-axial chronometric presentations).
If Hegel saw the exercise of philosophy as capturing its era in concepts, then art has the mandate to present its era in images. Abstract concepts such as methodology, epistemology, among others, are a matter of principle necessary but not sufficient for the advancement of knowledge. Every discipline has its own terminology. The interaction between a picture and a concept is hereby in the position of overcoming the ‘private sphere’ of individual disciplines. Color and form are in the position to make complicated abstract facts and circumstances understandable. In aesthetics we see a real possibility of bringing reason and nature together.
10. It is necessary to give up the idea of subjugating nature in favor of reconciliation and dialog with nature. In this connection the idea of ethics and morality in science and research receives renewed special importance.
In the end effect, subjugating nature is identical with subjugating mankind. The ‘wisdom’ concept is intercultural. Wisdom, as a goal and meaning of knowledge, places borders before mankind’s boundless pursuit of the subjugation of nature. We are on the wrong path! Expertocracy is at its end. In order to change directions, it is necessary for everyone to become involved. Read the full texts:
Dr. Nadim Sradj is a native of Syria who lives since 1956 in Germany (see
more In Germany he studied Medicine and Philosophy in Mainz and Tübingen respectively, attaining the degrees of Dr. Med. in 1966 and the M.A. in Philosophy in 1968. Dr. Sradj specialized in Ophtalmology at the Universities of Frankfurt/Main and Giessen, where he held positions as scientific assistant professor.
Curriculum vitae
Dr. Sradj is the author of over 100 scientific papers during his career and is the inventor of several measuring instruments in the medical field. He has held lectures in many cities, among them Moscow, New York, Paris, Buenos Aires, Luxembourg and Brussels. He was an editor of the ARABMED magazine, and he is member of several professional and scientific organizations, among them AAAS (
SRADJ, Nadim, ophthalmologist and philosopher,
1937 born in Aleppo, Syria,
1956 arrived in Germany,
1963 medical diploma university of Mainz,
1966 M.D. University of Tübingen, Germany,
1968 M.A. in philosophy, Univ. of Mainz,
1968-1969 scientific assistant and lecturer, University of Frankfurt/Main and Univ. of Giessen,
Since 1979 private clinic.
Research in neuro-ophthalmology and strabismology, biological medicine, basic research and scientifical strategy; introduction of French structuralism and physics of thermodynamics into ophthalmology. Invention of instruments (Torticollometer and Cyclometer) for measurement of cyclo- and head-deviation.
More than 150 scientifical publications and lectures in German, English, French and Arabic all over the world. Among them books:
“Rollungsschielen” (Cyclodeviation) 1979,
“Systemtherapie der Maculadegeneration” (4th edition 2004), English edition: “System Therapy of Macular Degeneration” 2008.
“Dynamik des Sehens” (dynamics of vision, perception and malperception, theory of operational aesthetics and its application in art) 2005.
“Theorie und Praxis des Augentrainings bei Arbeiten im Nahbereich und am PC” (2009)
Sradj is member of several European and international ophthalmological organizations. Scientifcal activities in Arabic countries, Argentina, Luxemburg and Russia.
Since 1995: consultant ophthalmologist of the Macular Degeneration Association /Germany (Selbsthilfegruppe Macula-Degeneration e.V.) see:
Since 1995: in “Who’s who in the world” and “Dictionary of International Biography”. 2000: Member of the American Association of the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2000-2001: in “Who’s who in Medicine and Healthcare”.
Active member of Arabmed (Union of Arabic Physicians in Europe), responsible for cultural affairs and science policy. Since 2009 vice president of Arabmed
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Jew Body Snatchers in Haiti | Subverted Nation
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through...all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Jew Body Snatchers in Haiti
12 commentsPosted by Subverted Nation on 23Jan10 in Organ Harvesting | 12 comments

These soldiers use Palestinians as human shields, kidnap their children, and steal their organs. I hear they have real nice medical facilities set up in Haiti for the same thing.
This tragedy caused in Haiti by the tsunami (correction: earthquake) has reportedly already killed well over 200,000 people, and the citizens of the world are trying to rally to help save more of them from perishing. That’s just the nature of humanity. We feel for the pain and suffering of those around us, and are almost always willing to give up something to help those in need. It’s a part of our nature to give a damn when something bad happens to other people. It’s what makes us human, and even despite the coordinated assaults on our morality by the media and Hollywood, our usurpers have been unable to completely suppress this trait, but it doesn’t mean that they haven’t been able to exploit it.
This recent disaster was bad enough to begin with, and would have been an opportunity for jews to show themselves as something a little more than the demonic swine I have continually proven them to be, but they are simply incapable of doing so. Even though they took the opportunity to set themselves up as saviors of the people once again, things are just not exactly what they seem. First, take a look at this video of the super duper Israeli jews who are the first on the scene with advanced medical facilities, pretending to save all the lives, and talking trash on Americans who have donated millions already to the relief aid funds.
I don’t know about you, but I can hear the sound of blood lust on their forked little tongues. It starts with the jewess reporter Elizabeth Cohen talking about how desperately and urgently they need to evacuate their first “victim” to somewhere they can do “much more” to him. Then it’s “this is amazing” as she walks into the jew camp, where the Israeli military has already marked the ground as theirs with a star of David on the ground. Listen to the trash this jew bitch talks “has the American government set up a field hospital” followed by “the Israelis came from the other side of the world” showing her disdain for America.
The jews try to set themselves up as the super saviors, while trampling all over “the Americans”, but they fail to mention that our government is run by a bunch of jews, and surely a lot of the disaster relief agencies and non-profits playing savior are also jews. They fail to mention that the media (including the jewess reporter above) are all jews, and funny as it may seem, they are begging for dollars rather than food, clothing, medical supplies and other essentials. Take a look at this article which says:
Don’t send shoes, send money. Don’t send baby formula, send money. Don’t send old coats, send money.
Nonprofit groups rarely look a gift horse in the mouth, and the relief effort in Haiti is desperate for resources. But the experience of wasteful giving in the past, coupled with the ease of speaking out via blogs, Facebook and Twitter, have led to an unprecedented effort to teach Americans what not to give.
One particularly influential blog is being written by Saundra Schimmelpfennig, an international aid expert who once worked for the Red Cross. Ms. Schimmelpfennig’s blog, Good Intentions Are Not Enough, is attracting more hits in a day than it used to get in a month, as everyone from the State Department to the White House seeks information about giving.
The advice appears to be reaching a tipping point — former President George W. Bush echoed the message when he joined President Obama and former President Bill Clinton last week to announce a new venture for the Haitian relief effort.
“I know a lot of people want to send blankets or water,” Mr. Bush said. “Just send your cash.”

Crooked eye jew Offenheiser (left) says give him your sheckles to pay for organ harvesting. It saves the trouble of bothering with food, medicine, water, and other aid.
You heard the message. Don’t send any real help, just send your money. Of course, the jews want your money, because urgently rushing these patients away to Israel for organ removal, I mean medical treatment, is expensive stuff. You should pay for them to handle these “operations”, excuse the pun. As is always typical of jews, they are after your loot, some organs, maybe a few kids to sacrifice, etc.
My readers will surely remember how a number of jews were recently caught in New Jersey with their organ harvesting ring, and then how we were told the heart wrenching story of some old jews who were happy to have new organs here so we would have a feel good story in mind when thinking of organ harvesting.
In the same article quoted above, right after Bush’s ridiculous comments is another jew who apparently heads another “relief group” complaining about people sending food. Head of Oxfam America, this jew Raymond Offenheiser makes the case that tv dinners are useless, knowing most people send canned goods and bulk foods like rice and other essentials.

This fat jewess says don't send shoes to victims of Haiti, send your dollars and let the jews decide how best to pay for the organ harvesting.
Then there is another jewess “relief expert” named Anna Shaikh quoted for her article “No One Needs Your Old Shoes: How Not to Help in Haiti.” Apparently the jewess says people will send things like high heeled shoes instead of food, but what she’s really saying is all the jew organ relievers want cashola.
Do you see a pattern of jews forming up all around this episode yet? The jews are all over this one like stink on shit. In fact, in many ways the jews are just like the stink on shit, so it’s a fitting analogy. They were so disgusting when Hitler dealt with him, they had to delouse the shit out of them at camps like Treblinka, but despite his best efforts, thousands of people died from typhus spread by these rats.
Next we have this article to follow suit. After “Teaching Americans What Haiti Needs: Money” they give us another one, just for the kids called, “How Kids Can Help Haiti”. Just like the previous article, we find even more jew run charities pushing the same message. They don’t want food to feed the people, or medical supplies, they just want cold hard cash.
The advice is similar to what’s being given to adults — don’t send stuff, send money. “The best thing you can do is to raise money for large organizations that are already doing work there,” a representative from the humanitarian organization CARE told the student reporter N’Naserri Carew-Johnson. ”It’s much easier and faster, and more cost effective or cheaper to donate to one of us and we can donate or send our supplies because we have that already in place.”
Again, this CARE organization is run by a bunch of jews, as can be seen by taking a quick peak at their “executive team” bio page here, where you will see jews with all the typical shady connections and affiliations. As is typical, jews seem to be the ones controlling all these organizations and their only concern is you send them the dough.

These innocent jew nurses were caught trying to nab children from Chad and Darfur. Do the fake tears make you feel sorry for body snatching jews?
Don’t you think they’ll be sure to take care of all these people’s needs with your money? Why weren’t these jews so eager to help like this when it was hurricane Katrina, and the people of New Orleans were suffering? The truth is jews are racists that don’t like blacks, but they sure love their organs.
Take for instance the jew nurses from Zoe’s Ark caught nabbing children in Chad and Darfur for their organs, but at the same time, we can thank Hollywood jews formaking America care about Darfur. Even Angelina Jolie and George Clooney (both jews) are trying to help end the horrendous genocide there, but no mention of organ harvesting? I thought surely these would be the good jews we keep hearing about, because they are sincerely trying to help, right?
If you look here you’ll see another article screaming literally, “Send money. Send money. Send money.” and “They need your money, as much as you feel you can give. It’s always hard to believe, but there are scam artists out there ready to take advantage of any situation when warm-hearted people feel moved to help others. Be smart and be careful.”

Haha, we're going to make millions telling people we'll help the blacks in Haiti while Obama uses the military to take over, and our buddies get free organs!
Sure thing, you be careful, and just in case, they were sure to include a list of charities who will gladly take your money. Everything from the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, which you know has to be full of shit with their names on it, to the ones mentioned above, and others that weren’t. Everywhere jews are screaming for your dollars to exploit the tragedy in Haiti, but they’re jew charities, so these must be the good jews they keep trying to convince us of, right?
According to this article there are legitimate fears of organ harvesters snatching organs and bodies from Haiti. UNICEF is reporting that at least fifteen children have gone missing already since the fiasco began, and with Israeli medical camps set up, more are sure to go as time carries on. The problem of jews harvesting organs and snatching babies is so prominent they have warned nations not to step up “adoptions” in the wake of the crisis.
“We have documented let’s say around 15 cases of children disappearing from hospitals and not with their own family at the time,” said UNICEF adviser Jean Luc Legrand.
“UNICEF has been working in Haiti for many years and we knew the problem with the trade of children in Haiti which existed already beforehand, and unfortunately many of these trade networks have links with the international adoption ‘market’,” Legrand explained.
The agency underlined that it had warned countries during the past week not to step up adoptions from Haiti in the immediate wake of the quake.
Several are fast-tracking adoption procedures already under way, including Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States.
Legrand said the situation was similar to the aftermath of the tsunami in Asia five years ago.
Trafficking networks were springing into action immediately after the disaster and taking advantage of the weakness of local authorities and relief coordination “to kidnap children and get them out of the country,” Legrand told journalists.
Rupert Colville, a spokesman for the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said that child enslavement and trafficking in Haiti was “an existing problem and could easily emerge as a serious issue over the coming weeks and months.”

The jews often nab Palestinians from the street to steal their organs. When it keeps happening on such a large scale, one has to wonder if they're really using them for transplants or if they're eating the damn things!
Notice there is no mention of Israel as one of the countries involved in the fast-tracking of getting children out of the country. However, the video above shows jews screaming to get some of these bodies moving quickly, before anyone has a chance to think about what’s happening. These “trafficking networks” are an age old hallmark of jews, and we can see evidence that they always jump into action after disasters to swipe more children.
Just last August, there was this article where jews kick and scream about being called organ harvesters. It seems a Swedish newspaper made the accusation that jews were nabbing victims in Palestine and stealing their organs. Listen to one jew’s cries of blood libel:
“This is an anti-Semitic blood libel against the Jewish people and the Jewish state. The Swedish government cannot remain apathetic,” said Israel’s Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz.
“We know the origins of these claims. In medieval times, there were claims that the Jews use the blood of Christians to bake their Matzas for Passover. The modern version now is that the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) soldiers use organs of Palestinians to make money.”
It’s funny they mention Passover, because I remember when the jews attacked Palestine on Passover with depleted uranium and white phosphorous. They can cry about blood libel, but since it’s a well known fact, and every country that kicked them out listed it as at least one of the reasons for doing so, they have no legs to their argument.
Speaking of legs, their argument of blood libel is more than just a fallacy. Take for instance this article where the Palestinian Authority is doing more than just making claims. They are planning to bring charges against Israel for nabbing bodies and organs.
The Israeli military confirmed the report but claimed that “This activity ended a decade ago and does not happen any longer.”
Meanwhile, at the same conference, Palestinian Health Minister Fathi Abu Maghli said, “We are now worried about the lives of our prisoners inside Israeli jails.”
He explained the way the Israelis handed the bodies of some Palestinians to their families.
“They had even set conditions for these deliveries; don’t examine the bodies and bury them at night,” Maghli said.
The jews confirm the report that they were nabbing organs, but the article assures us that it doesn’t happen anymore. They throw in a nice little bit at the end about how “groundless,” “outrageous” and “anti-Semitic” the claims are, but I bet you’re starting to realize this isn’t a joke by now. You can read about the jew Dr. Jehuda Hiss, former head of Israel’s Abu Kabir forensic institute, admitting to snatching organs without consent.
“We started to harvest corneas … . Whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the family.”
In the interview, Dr. Hiss described how his doctors would mask the removal of corneas from bodies. “We’d glue the eyelid shut,” he said. “We wouldn’t take corneas from families we knew would open the eyelids.”
Many of the details in the interview first came to light in 2004, when Dr. Hiss was dismissed as head of the forensic institute because of irregularities over use of organs there. Israel’s attorney general dropped criminal charges against him, and Dr. Hiss still works as chief pathologist at the institute. He had no comment on the TV report.

This body didn't need an autopsy, cause of death rather evident. What do you reckon the zipper from the groin to the throat is for then? Stomach is rather flat, because all the useful stuff was removed.
You can bet these jews took everything from corneas, to kidneys to bone marrow and stem cells. As you can see this jew Dr Jehuda Hiss was fired for “irregularities” with the organs. I wonder if he was snacking on them when he shouldn’t be? This jew admits to the horrible things they did, so maybe he’s one of the good jews for going public with it? I bet he’s on our side now, because he brought us the truth!
That’s the dangerous kind of thinking Subverted Nation exists to make sure you don’t get tricked into. The real story is more likely someone raised suspicions of their operation, so this jew was fired for the operations, admits to it publicly, and the other jews drop the charges against him. The whole deal is wrapped up all nice and clean. The evil doctor was canned from his job, and all the organs are safe now!
We can never let our guard down, as Haiti shows us. The jew will pounce on any opportunity to profit from our misery, and has no problem chopping you to bits, because you’re worth more parted out, and then they can keep the money everyone paid for “relief aid”, not knowing it meant relieving people of their organs. No wonder they don’t want you to send clothes, shoes, food, and water. They really don’t have a use for it!