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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Palestine Cry: Kawther Salam » Europa & Palestine News - Christmas Memories From The Birthplace of Jesus

Palestine Cry: Kawther Salam » Europa & Palestine News - Christmas Memories From The Birthplace of Jesus

The wall of hatred around a Christian house in Bethlehem.

Nine years ago between 20 -27 December, as in several previous years, I moved from Hebron to Bethlehem to participate in the celebrations of the Christmas celebrations and to write about the event. I was staying at the residence of Bethlehem Bible College. Dr. Bishara Awad, Director of the college and his wife Salwa, Dr. Alex Awad, a professor at the College and his wife Brenda, welcomed me as in the previous years. They treated me with great courtesy and concern for my comfort, so much so that I felt as a member of the Awad family and as a welcome guest at the college.
I would leave the college every day and tour around Bethlehem. I would talk with Christians and Muslims, and everybody felt the happiness and joy of the holy Christmas. Muslims were waiting for Christmas exactly like Christians. In Palestine there is no difference between Muslims and Christians, everyone is equal and this tradition is celebrated by the adherents of both faiths. The ONLY obstacle during Christmas and other holidays was and is the zionist occupation, which assassinates the happiness, the joy, and the peaceful life of all Palestinians, Christians and Muslims equally.
Before 1993 and the signing of the so-called “Oslo peace agreement”, the Christmas celebrations were much nicer, much more comfortable than the celebrations I joined later and until 2002. It is sad to be forced to say that the Christmas celebrations under the horrible regime of the Israeli occupation were better than they are nowadays under the Palestinian Authority.

Since the signing of the Oslo agreement and its secret accessories, the demography of Palestine has changed. Everything was changed in TOP SILENCE and with full connivance of the “PNA”, not only in Bethlehem but in all Palestinian cities, towns and villages. The Octopus of the zionist occupation became more dangerous and worse than before with the criminal connivance of the PNA. The theft of Palestinian lands and the expansion of the colonies increased while the Palestinian themselves were happy to establish a useless administration, the “PNA” in return for a bunch of the miserable “VIP” cards for select functionaries and some thousands of para-military gangsters, riff-raff with different nationalities who were trained by several Arab dictatorships – US and UK colonies in all but name – who not-so-secretly befriend israel. (Click on the small images to make them bigger).
The theft of the Palestinian agricultural lands of Jabal Abu Ghnien in Bethlehem, the establishment of the zionist colony “Har Homa”, the division of the Bethlehem-Jerusalem-Hebron main street, the theft of the Islamic the Waqf building of Bethlehem, the ethnic cleansing and illegal appropriation of the northern district of Bethlehem (from the Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque in Bethlehem, the so-called “Rachel’s Tomb”, until Jerusalem), the theft of the Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque, the closure of the Muslim cemetery near the mosque, the closure of the Aida refugee camp, the apartheid wall and the establishment of the Iron border, these were all result of the so-called “Oslo peace agreement”.
I remember how the Christmas celebrations changed after the establishment of the Palestinian Authority under the Israeli occupation. I remember how much the obstacles for the Christian pilgrims increased each year. The worst Christmas celebrations were those place between 1999 and 2002, when the Christian religious convoy from Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour was halted in the middle of a military base of the Israeli occupation in front of the Bilal bin Rabah mosque which was stolen by the zionists and turned into a synagogue.
I saw the closure of the store of Mr. Michael Potros opposite of the Bilal bin Rabah mosque in Bethlehem. I sat several times at his store waiting for the Christians procession, for the clergymen coming from Jerusalem to Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas. In 2000, this store of a Christian Palestinian was closed by a military decision. All the surrounding area was declared a “military zone” so that the violent colonial squatters could pray undisturbed at the stolen mosque of Bilal ben Rabah. Mr. Potros and his family were forced to go to hell.
I saw how “Israel” violates the sanctity of the Christmas and how the occupation humiliates the dignity of the Christian clergy. They were all stopped like detainees in front of a military base, established over the territory of the city of Bethlehem, by the depraved soldiers of Israel. They were all waiting for the convoy of Patriarch Michel Sabbah. The manifestations of depravity and hatred were clear to see on their faces, instead of the expressions of Christmas joy and happiness present in the faces of the Christians and Muslims despite all the hardships forced upon them by the occupation.
In all countries of the world religious celebrations are held in peace, not under the tension of colonial occupation. ONLY in Palestine and since over 64 years, Christmas and other religious ceremonies are held under the constant threat of the military occupier and its tight restrictions. If any other nation held the Christmas celebrations under the presence of a colonial occupation, then for sure they would expiate in the sanctity of the ceremonies and they will find their ways to the struggle in order to celebrate the Christmas in peace.
The last time I saw a procession of Patriarch Michel Sabbah, he was humiliated at his arrival to Bethlehem. He was surrounded by armed police with automatic weapons and machine guns riding horses, and accompanied by military jeeps. And I saw him get out of his car at the entrance of the Aida refugee camp in the middle of the colonial zionist soldiers, because he was not allowed to enter Bethlehem in his car. I saw the Patriarch shaking hands with the Christians, standing frightened like inmates of a concentration camp among the armed soldiers in the city of Bethlehem. When I did not hear one word of condemnation from the Patriarch, then or later, for the inhuman treatment of the Christians, for the insults by the jews to the Christian faith at his every entry to Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, then I knew what it means to be a hypocrite.
This year, Arte Channel showed a program about Christmas in Bethlehem. They filmed a Christian family from Bethlehem who have a workshop for carving Christmas gifts out of wood. The Camera filmed the lady of the house at home and her ways between the workshop and the church, all of which are far away from each other. The program neatly avoided the major problem, the Apartheid walls suffocating the city of Bethlehem, the hatred of the occupation checkpoints at the entrance of the city, the jewish colonies, the ubiquitous presence of israeli soldiers.
After watching this short film I understood how much the western media is managed and manipulated. I myself know what kind of journalistic work and what kind of questions the Austrian colleagues are asking. When the moderators at press conferences beg the Austrian journalists to ask their questions, they do not ask. I have witnessed such unreal scenes more than once, where none of the journalist present asks anything. Sadly, it is enough for them to use the press releases issued before the conference starts and publish them. I have wondered if they do this because they don’t care or because they fear losing their job if they upset anybody with a question.
Also, this year, like all previous years, the Austrian state TV, ORF, runs a program which shows how Austrian children “bring the light” from Bethlehem to Austria. The same like the Arte documentary described above, they completely avoid the issue of the occupation and that these days Bethlehem is more aptly described as a concentration camp than a city. It is very sad to see how the Catholic Church supports iniquity and grave crimes against humanity with their silence.

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Palestine Cry: Kawther Salam » Europa & Palestine News - Europäische Unterstützung für den palästinensischen Versöhnungsprozess nötig

Palestine Cry: Kawther Salam » Europa & Palestine News - Europäische Unterstützung für den palästinensischen Versöhnungsprozess nötig

Kawther Salam » Europa & Palestine News - Europäische Unterstützung für den palästinensischen Versöhnungsprozess nötig

Europäische Unterstützung für den palästinensischen Versöhnungsprozess nötig

Fritz Edlinger – Wien Dec. 26 2011 – Der Generalsekretär der Gesellschaft für Österreichisch-Arabische Beziehungen (GÖAB) Fritz Edlinger begrüßte in einer Stellungnahme die vor wenigen Tagen in Kairo abgeschlossene Vereinbarung zwischen den wichtigsten palästinensischen Fraktionen, eine umfassende Reform der Palästinensischen Befreiungsbewegung in Angriff zu nehmen und dadurch den Beginn einer dringend notwendigen politischen, personellen und organisatorischen Erneuerung der PLO ernsthaft zu beginnen.
Die Überwindung der Spaltung der politischen Führung des Palästinensischen Volkes stellt eine wesentliche Voraussetzung der entschiedenen und konsequenten Vertretung der legitimen Rechte der Palästinenser auf nationale Selbstbestimmung in Übereinstimmung mit den geltenden völkerrechtlichen Normen dar. Diese internen Konflikte wurden in den letzten Jahren von der israelischen Regierung geschürt und ohne Skrupel ausgenützt. Sie trug durch geschicktes Manövrieren wesentlich zur Spaltung des Palästinensischen Volkes bei und nützte diese Situation der Schwäche ohne Rücksicht zur intensivierten Fortsetzung ihrer illegalen Besatzungs- und Landraubpolitik aus.

Es kommt daher weiter nicht überraschend, dass die Stellungnahme der israelischen Regierung absolut negativ ausfiel. Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu, seit vielen Jahren ein entschiedener Gegner jeder fairen und völkerrechtlichen Grundsätzen entsprechenden Verhandlungslösung, kündigte an, keine wie immer geartete Verhandlungen mit einer palästinensischen Autonomieverwaltung, an der auch die Hamas beteiligt ist, zu führen. Diese starre israelische Haltung war zu erwarten, auch wenn die israelische Regierung durchaus Gespräche mit der Hamas führt, wie dies ja erst jüngst durch den vereinbarten Gefangenenaustausch dokumentiert worden ist.

Ob diese innerpalästinensische Aussöhnung tatsächlich auch eine Bewegung in den zum völligen Stillstand gekommenen „Friedensprozess“ bringen wird, hängt weitgehend von der Haltung der USA und Europa ab. In diesem Zusammenhang forderte Fritz Edlinger die EU auf, endlich die zweideutige Haltung zur Hamas aufzugeben und den Prozess der nationalen Einheit in Palästina tatkräftig zu unterstützen. Er erwarte sich von der EU eine klare Stellungnahme, in welcher diese Entwicklung begrüßt und auch die europäische Unterstützung für diesen zum Ausdruck gebracht wird. Die erste Bewährungsprobe einer geänderten europäischen Haltung, wie sie ja zuletzt anhand verschiedener Erklärungen im Rahmen der Vereinten Nationen aber auch der europäischen Vertreter in Jerusalem über die israelische Siedlungspolitik und die Diskriminierung der arabischen Minderheit in Israel zum Ausdruck gekommen ist, wird sich im Zusammenhang mit den im kommenden Mai geplanten Wahlen in Palästina ergeben. Er erwarte eine massive politische, organisatorische und finanzielle Unterstützung seitens der EU, damit diese Wahlen möglichst unbehindert durchgeführt werden können, schloss der GÖAB-Generalsekretär seine Stellungnahme.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Palestine Cry: Kawther Salam >> Europa & Palestine News - Jesus Is Behind The Apartheid Blockade

Palestine Cry: Kawther Salam >> Europa & Palestine News - Jesus Is Behind The Apartheid Blockade

Jesus Is Behind The Apartheid Blockade

The Bethlehem Call: Here we stand – Stand with us


How long, O God, will they steal our livelihood? Oppress, imprison and humiliate our people? Deprive our children of their childhood? Indeed how long, God, will the multitudes of Christians of the world ignore the anguish of our Palestinian sisters and brothers and all of the oppressed?

“Come and see,” said the Christians of Palestine. “Come and see the olive groves, the bulldozers, the ancient terraces, the segregated cities. The situation is worsening.”

More than 60 participants from 15 countries heeded an urgent call by Kairos Palestine. On 410 December 2011; they joined Palestinians in the Kairos for Global Justice Encounter/Conference in Bethlehem.

The aims and objectives of the encounter/conference were to:

  • Bring awareness of and share a Kairos consciousness experienced by all groups attending the encounter;
  • Strengthen and build ties among Kairos groups to form a committed global network for justice;
  • Learn from the Palestinian experience the urgency of Kairos solidarity and to end injustice by implementing concrete actions at the national, regional and global level.

On the road to this encounter/conference, there was the Amman Call in 2007, which ended 60 years without a unified Christian voice speaking against the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The next milestone was the Berne Perspective in 2008, which is illustrated in the statement: “Enough is enough. No more words without deeds, it is time for action.” The cry for justice in Palestine reached a pivotal moment when, in December 2009, Palestinian Christians launched the Kairos Palestine document: “A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of Palestinian suffering.” (Click on the small image to make it bigger).

We now say: “Injustice no more. Here we stand. Stand with us”

The current context

Today, the illegal regime and illegal forms of the Israeli occupation of Palestine assumes dimensions of systemic injustice whereby the unthinkable and unimaginable becomes globally accepted, supported and normalized. This is an example of Empire (global domination) at work. It happens in Palestine as it happens in many other contexts around the world. At the same time, Palestine is clearly a global issue. The government of Israel claims to have and indeed enjoys an exceptional status within the international community. Israel regards itself to be above the law and is treated as exempt from international law. This status provides the Israeli government the freedom to occupy Palestine with impunity.

As witnessed with our own eyes, the treacherous conditions imposed by the Israeli occupation on Palestinians and their land have reached a level of almost unimaginable and sophisticated criminality. This includes the slow yet deliberate and systematic ethnic cleansing and the genocide of Palestinians and Palestine as well as the strangling of the Palestinian economy. The brutality in the “violence of silence” internationally provides an almost impenetrable shield for the Israeli government to implement its evil designs in blatant disregard for human rights and international law. Silence is an opinion. Inaction is an action. We witness decidedly spineless cowardice in failure to resist the Israeli government by the majority of governments, political parties, media outlets, businesses, most of organized religion including Christianity and the silence of prophets worldwide. This makes us accomplices in crimes against humanity, such as the crimes of apartheid and persecution as described in international law.1

We witness also the resolve and resilience of Palestinians to match the imbalance of political, economic and military power with unbending steadfastness for their freedom and just peace.

The deligitimization and criminalization of the Israeli government and its local and international support base is gaining unstoppable momentum. The existence of international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns and other forms of nonviolent resistance is an established fact. The government and state of Israel is now regarded as an apartheid regime in terms of international law, with particular reference to the UN Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and the Rome Statutes of the International Criminal Court. The severity of the Palestinian situation makes comparisons with apartheid in South Africa superfluous and almost irrelevant. The benchmark is international law and not South Africa.

Globally we observe a context of growing fluidity and volatility. In this context, we are deeply concerned to observe how governments and societies in the West, including churches and ecumenical bodies dominated by the West, are becoming more and more exclusive, supremacist and dictatorial in conserving an unjust status quo. Furthermore, the growing economic and political volatility of world powers in North America and Europe creates a context of uncertainty for precise timelines in dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian situation. However this fluidity in addition to the Arab Awakening holds potential for hope.

(1) Relevant international laws include the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (adopted in 1973 and enacted in 1976); and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 7 (1)(h) & (j),and Article 2 (g) & (h) 0f 1998.

The global South, also complicit in regard to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, possesses the potential to be an untapped source of hope. This potential holds value not only for Palestinians but also for those societies in the global North where Empire crumbles.
We are also acutely aware of struggles for justice everywhere, including within Israel itself. We have come to ignite, nurture and strengthen a Kairos consciousness for each of these contexts as interconnected and interrelated. We draw inspiration and strength from each other and also from progressive peace activists and human rights groups in Israel.

In the deep pain of the Palestinian people in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, of
Palestinian refugees and of Israeli Arab citizens, we witnessed the tears of God. God keeps the flame of faith alive, as the darkness of despair closes in. God lives and breathes in the lament of those whose future has been stolen. In the cries of the dispossessed we have sensed the passion of God for right to prevail.

God takes sides for justice against injustice. God does not take kindly to injustice and the perpetrators of injustice. “He has shown the might with His arm. He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and has exalted the lowly (Luke 1:4655). A spirituality that recognizes the face of God in every human being is, therefore, inevitably marked by a bias towards justice for the poor and the oppressed. “One thing God requires of you is only this, to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God,” (Micah 6:8). This is the true essence of both Testaments. Christ still weeps over Jerusalem.

A Kairos is both the recognition of God’s will and the urgency of our response. It is in the awareness of a God of the Now, who is deeply involved in the human predicament. God keeps us steadfast in courage, hope and love as we continue to struggle and resist.

We pray and plead for a radical change of hearts, policies and practices of the Israeli government and those governments that support it. If this does not happen, we pray in trembling and hope if it is God’s will…. for these governments to fall.

Some non-negotiable: Occupation no more

In the light of the above and with our conviction that Palestine is in an ever deepening crisis, Kairos Palestine urgently calls us to move forward boldly and act radically by speaking out with courage, passion and determination. The time for words and diplomatic niceties, that obscure the reality, are over. We affirm the churches’ commitment to and contributions for decisive action since the Amman Call as well as in the creation and impact of the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum (PIEF). Nevertheless, we will strengthen and increase our advocacy initiatives.

Therefore, we:

• Reject the silence of the church, lest we be accomplices in crimes against humanity, such as those of apartheid and persecution. It is imperative to speak up and cry with the oppressed in demanding justice.

• Refuse to be coerced into accepting financial assistance from any church or organization that supports the Occupation.

• Challenge any church which, either directly or indirectly, invests in companies which support the occupation. As congregants of a church, we will be alert towards church policies and challenge unethical financial investment and spending practices.

• Call the Israeli occupation of Palestine a crime and sin. We reject any theological or political justification for the Occupation. We regard such theologies as defying the core of the Gospel.

• Reject any argument aimed at convincing Palestinians and the international community that the problems are caused by Muslims rather than the Occupation.

• Demand that churches take bold and courageous positions for justice against injustice. We are appalled at the spiritual and institutional cowardice that refuses to take an unequivocal stand for justice. Equally, victims and perpetrators cannot be put on equal footing in efforts to create illusions of balance.

• Confirm our obligation to resist the Occupation in faith, hope and love. We reject calls to cease advocating and practicing BDS or any other form of nonviolent civil resistance that will end the Occupation.

• Resist being party to any church or church-related organization offering tours to the Holy Lands that do not include an encounter with local Palestinians and express our opposition to such initiatives. Alternative tourism groups are now available that Christians and others can avail themselves of.

• Demand that the Right of Return for all Palestinian refugees be enforced.

• Steadfastly uphold the principle of compassion toward the oppressor. We acknowledge and understand their experiences of oppression, fears and insecurities. Our demands are in the best interests for a better future for all involved.

In love, we rage against injustice and yet refuse to be destroyed by our anger.

Our vision: Call to act now

A shared vision of peace with justice inspires us to respond with committed action, at this critical moment. This vision must include affirming voices from the Jewish, Muslim and other faith traditions that express hope for a pluralistic, democratic society here.

The tide is turning. The pain will pass soon if we act now. This calls for a collective willingness to take risks in the cause of justice.

Theology: One voice for justice

We commit ourselves to develop contextual biblical theologies and practices of resistance and liberation. We will unmask those theologies in our midst that are harbingers of death for Palestinians and the oppressed worldwide and we will challenge traditional ways of doing theology.

Dismantling Israeli apartheid

We support and commit ourselves to the dismantling of Israeli apartheid, insist on the enforcement of international law and ensuring the fulfillment of legitimate demands of Palestinians. These demands include:

  • People living side by side in justice and peace within pre1967 borders;
  • A shared Jerusalem including open access to all holy sites;
  • The right of return for Palestinian refugees;
  • An end to all settlement extensions and dismantling of the settlement system;
  • Free access to water and sanitation;
  • The breakdown of the apartheid wall.

We should not accept the argument that the fear of civil unrest between Israeli settlers and Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is a deterrent to achieving Palestinian freedom.

Prophetic communities that support Palestine

We commit to:

Acknowledge that people at the community level are empowered as the primary theologians of a Kairos Consciousness.
Develop effective south-north and south-south coalitions for prophetic action
Agree that Kairos Palestine create a core group to facilitate these coalitions

Boycott-Divestment-Sanction (BDS): Creative, non-violent now

  • We commit to engage in creative, nonviolent resistance in response to the call from our Palestinian sisters and brothers to this end, including BDS.
  • We will actively participate in and lend credibility to popular, nonviolent resistance in Palestine, Israel and internationally, including giving effect to BDS We will oppose with appropriate means the policies of our governments that support the occupation.

Holy Lands Tourism and Pilgrimage
We will:

  • Promote and participate in alternative tourism and Kairos pilgrimages in the Holy Lands for the purposes of spiritual nurturing, awareness-raising and advocacy.
  • Insist that such tours be organized by or in partnership with Palestinian tour operators
  • Utilize those travel agencies that follow “Come and See: A Call from Palestinian Christians for Ethical Tourism”2. We will challenge and boycott those that do not.
  • Actively seek to enable targeted groups to travel to Israel-Palestine.

The Bethlehem Call for a here-we-stand, stand-with-us journey provides each one of us a joyous blessing and honor, difficult though the journey may be. We seize this opportune, Kairos moment with conviction and hope.

Palestinians and a world community have gathered: here in, breaking barriers between regions and cultures and building bridges of friendship and solidarity because we have a common dream to see a Palestine and a world free of all forms of injustice. We believe that each one of us was called to Bethlehem for a purpose.

“We are the ones we have been waiting for.” (Alice Walker)

A Franciscan benediction:

May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers, at half truths and superficial relationships so that we may live deeply within our hearts. May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation. May God bless us with tears to share for those who suffer in pain, rejection, starvation and war, so that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and to turn their pain into joy. And may God bless us with enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in this world so that we can do what others claim cannot be done. And may the blessing of the God of Abraham and Sarah, and Jesus born in Bethlehem of our sister Mary, and of the Holy Spirit, who broods over the world as a mother over her children, be upon us and remain with us always. Amen.

(2) Come and See: A Call from Palestinian Christians A journey for peace with Justice Guidelines for Christians Contemplating a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Traditional Catholic Prayers: La plus belle nuit du monde

Traditional Catholic Prayers: La plus belle nuit du monde

La plus belle nuit du monde
C'est cette nuit de noel
Où les bergers étonnés
Ont levé les yeux vers le ciel
Une étoile semble dire
«suivez-moi je vous conduis
Il est né cette nu

The most beautiful night of the world
Is that Christmas night
When shepherds surprised
Rise their eyes to the sky
A star seems to say
follow me I will lead you
He was born on this night
Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia, chantons chantons noël

Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia, let's sing sing Christmas
Sur la paille d'une étableI
ls se sont agenouillés
Les pauvres comme les princes
Au pied de l'enfant nouveau
Et ce chant comme une source
A traversé le pays
Il est né cette nuit

On the straw of a table
They kneeled down
Poors and princes as well
At the feet of the new born child
And this song like a spring
Has crossed over the country
He was born on this night
Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia, chantons chantons noël

Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia, let's sing sing Christmas
La plus belle nuit du monde
C'est cette nuit de noel
Dans le coeur de tous les homes
Un peu d'amour descend du ciel
Tant de choses nous séparent
Cette étoile nous unisIl est né cette nuit

The most beautiful night of the world
Is that Christmas night
In the heart of all men
A little bit of love comes from the sky
So many things bring us apart
This star unite us
He was born on this night
Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia, chantons chantons noël

Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia, let's sing sing christmas

He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:

This is from Isaiah 27:1 In that day God shall bring his holy and great and strong sword upon the dragon, even the serpent that flees, upon the dragon, the crooked serpent: he shall destroy the dragon.

This is about God's justice and destroying Satan and Satan's works and minions.

If we did that in the Middle East, in other words if we destroyed the ZioNazis and their false creation of IsraHell and freed the Palestinians, and I mean by military intervention the way the John F. Kennedy had planned on using against the Jews, then there would be World Peace.

Battle Hymn of the Republic - same melody as La plus belle nuit du monde

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps,
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps:
His day is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His day is marching on.
I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
"As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal;
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,
Since God is marching on."
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Since God is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat:
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
While God is marching on.
He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
He is Wisdom to the mighty, He is Succour to the brave,
So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of Time His slave,
Our God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.

Traditional Catholic Prayers: Traditional Catholic Prayers: The Justice of God: The Antichrist and the False Prophet

Traditional Catholic Prayers: Traditional Catholic Prayers: The Justice of God: The Antichrist and the False Prophet

The ROOT of the Two Horns (The Antichrist and the False Prophet - see link below) is ancient Osiria-Mesopotamian (Assyro-Summerian) post-flood empire of Nimrud.

The most ancient and first goddess on earth amongst ALL paganism before ANY other god or goddess was the chaotic primordial sea by the name of "Nammu" in Assyro-Summerian religion (Nimrud's religion he devised and tried to rule the world with from the Tower of Babel - for which God destroyed all of that). That is the Original and remains the Source of the Beast of the Sea in the Thirteenth Chapter of the Book of the Revelation. The Original and the Source of the Beast of the Earth (in the same Thirteenth Chapter of the Book of the Revelation) is the Tower of Babel - only its final fulfillment is the coming Abomination of Desolation in Jerusalem.

Here is the exact connection between the Original: 6,000 years ago and now.

Part of the descent of the Messiah, Who is Only Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Gospel of Luke

3:34 Who was of Jacob, who was of Isaac, who was of Abraham [Abram], who was of Thare, who was of Nachor,

3:35 Who was of Sarug, who was of Ragau, who was of Phaleg, who was of Heber, who was of Sale,

3:36 Who was of Cainan, who was of Arphaxad, who was of Sem, who was of Noe, who was of Lamech,

3:37 Who was of Mathusale, who was of Henoch, who was of Jared, who was of Malaleel, who was of Cainan,

3:38 Who was of Henos, who was of Seth, who was of Adam, who was of God.

Note that Heber (Father of the Hebrews) is the direct descendant of Sem (Semitic) through Arphaxad (means NOT of Chaldea - Chaldea is Nimrud's Osiria-Mesopotamia) through Cainan (Canaan) through Cainan's offspring Sale. Not a Jew in sight, all Canaanite Palestinian Hebrews. As to Jesus being of the "Jews," only the tribe of Judah as a descent from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judas (tribe of Judah) is meant. See Luke Chapter 3 and Matthew Chapter 1 - see bottom for both. The actual Israelites, and especially those who Jesus was descended through, are as Semitic and Canaanite and Hebrew as the Palestinians are today, for those Palestinians are exactly descended from the SAME people as Jesus was. None of the Osiria-Mesopotamian and None of the Idumean and Baylonian inbred genealogy of the Haburah and Pharisaic Rabbinic background belongs to Christ. In so far as the Judaist claims by any of the impostor Hebrews through the centuries are concerned none of the Haburah-Naasseni-Essene-Pharisees and none of the Persian and None of the Sephardic and Most Especially NONE of the Khazar pretend Jews are in fact Hebrews. The last descendants of the SAME people from Adam to Christ in Jesus Christ's lineage are the Palestinians of today. No one else. UNLIKE the racist Talmudic Illuminist Judaists, Jesus Christ, 'Isa al Maseeh, the Messiah, offers His salvation to all. His salvation is real. The Judaists and their false messiah are damned. See: Good versus evil: The Antichrist will be a Jew.

In the descent of the Messiah, Who is Only Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Masoretic text - a contrivance by the Rabbinic Jews from first century A.D. completed by 900 A.D. to alter the meaning of the Bible, Cainan or Canaan is left out totally on purpose in Genesis Chapter 11. The meaning and reason is this. The intent and and purpose of God was always from the beginning and at the promise to Adam of the Redeemer to have the Messiah, Who is Only Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to appear in the Holy Land, which is Canaan - Palestine. The original Canaanites, from whom today's Palestinians are descended were in the direct descent of the Messiah. The reason they were there is because God intended and in fact did take flesh of them in order to Redeem mankind. The ever jealous and blasphemous Pharisaic Jews took that out in the Masoretic text, but they could not touch it in the Septuagint nor in the New Testament texts. The reason the Rabbis took it out was to substitute themselves and their false messiah who is actually the Antichrist, Dajjal, in the place of Our Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They will fail eternally.

Traditional Catholic Prayers: The Justice of God: The Antichrist and the False Prophet

The Coming Abomination of Desolation in Jerusalem


Beware the rebuilt temple. It is damnation for all who align themselves with it.
click on picture.


The Mark, the Name, the Number of the beast and the Tower of Babel = Ecumenism
click on picture

and the lead up to it.

God's Justice
Click on image.


Matthew Chapter 1

The genealogy of Christ: he is conceived and born of a virgin.

1:1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham:
1:2 Abraham begot Isaac. And Isaac begot Jacob. And Jacob begot Judas and his brethren.
1:3 And Judas begot Phares and Zara of Thamar. And Phares begot Esron. And Esron begot Aram.
1:4 And Aram begot Aminadab. And Aminadab begot Naasson. And Naasson begot Salmon.
1:5 And Salmon begot Booz of Rahab. And Booz begot Obed of Ruth. And Obed begot Jesse.
1:6 And Jesse begot David the king. And David the king begot Solomon, of her that had been the wife of Urias.
1:7 And Solomon begot Roboam. And Roboam begot Abia. And Abia begot Asa.
1:8 And Asa begot Josaphat. And Josaphat begot Joram. And Joram begot Ozias.
1:9 And Ozias begot Joatham. And Joatham begot Achaz. And Achaz begot Ezechias.
1:10 And Ezechias begot Manasses. And Manasses begot Amon. And Amon begot Josias.
1:11 And Josias begot Jechonias and his brethren in the transmigration of Babylon.
1:12 And after the transmigration of Babylon, Jechonias begot Salathiel. And Salathiel begot Zorobabel.
1:13 And Zorobabel begot Abiud. And Abiud begot Eliacim. And Eliacim begot Azor.
1:14 And Azor begot Sadoc. And Sadoc begot Achim. And Achim begot Eliud.
1:15 And Eliud begot Eleazar. And Eleazar begot Mathan. And Mathan begot Jacob.
1:16 And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Luke Chapter 3

3:23 And Jesus himself was beginning about the age of thirty years: being (as it was supposed) the son of Joseph, who was of Heli, who was of Mathat,

Who was of Heli. . .St. Joseph, who by nature was the son of Jacob, (St. Matt. 1. 16,) in the account of the law, was son of Heli. For Heli and Jacob were brothers, by the same mother; nd Heli, who was the elder, dying without issue, Jacob, as the law directed, married his widow: in consequence of such marriage, his son Joseph was reputed in the law the son of Heli.

3:24 Who was of Levi, who was of Melchi. who was of Janne, who was of Joseph,
3:25 Who was of Mathathias, who was of Amos, who was of Nahum, who was of Hesli, who was of Nagge,
3:26 Who was of Mahath, who was of Mathathias, who was of Semei, who was of Joseph, who was of Juda,
3:27 Who was of Joanna, who was of Reza, who was of Zorobabel, who was of Salathiel, who was of Neri,
3:28 Who was of Melchi, who was of Addi, who was of Cosan, who was of Helmadan, who was of Her,
3:29 Who was of Jesus, who was of Eliezer, who was of Jorim, who was of Mathat, who was of Levi,
3:30 Who was of Simeon, who was of Judas, who was of Joseph, who was of Jona, who was of Eliakim,
3:31 Who was of Melea, who was of Menna, who was of Mathatha, who was of Nathan, who was of David,
3:32 Who was of Jesse, who was of Obed, who was of Booz, who was of Salmon, who was of Naasson,
3:33 Who was of Aminadab, who was of Aram, who was of Esron, who was of Phares, who was of Judas,
3:34 Who was of Jacob, who was of Isaac, who was of Abraham, who was of Thare, who was of Nachor,
3:35 Who was of Sarug, who was of Ragau, who was of Phaleg, who was of Heber, who was of Sale,
3:36 Who was of Cainan, who was of Arphaxad, who was of Sem, who was Of Noe, who was of Lamech,
3:37 Who was of Mathusale, who was of Henoch, who was of Jared, who was of Malaleel, who was of Cainan,
3:38 Who was of Henos, who was of Seth, who was of Adam, who was of God.

The Justice of God: The Antichrist and the False Prophet

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Palestine Cry: Israeli attack on USS Liberty (US Navy ship), Operations Northwoods and the Satanism behind it

Palestine Cry: Israeli attack on USS Liberty (US Navy ship), Operations Northwoods and the Satanism behind it

Israeli attack on USS Liberty (US Navy ship), Operations Northwoods ...

...and the Satanism behind it

This evil attack on the U.S.S. Liberty was done to promote "Israel's" agenda to swing chickens over their heads (Kapparot [link]) to absolve themselves of all the evil they do to others throughout the year and promise to do more evil in the coming year. That is the only promise they ever keep.

Witchcraft Sabbat: A seasonal day of celebration observed by Witches and other Sorcerers. There are eight each year. The two solstices and two equinoxes are minor Sabbats. Between each solstice and equinox is a major Sabbat. Samhain (Oct. 31), Imbolc (Feb. 2), Beltane (May 1), and Lammas (Aug. 1) are among the most common names used.

One version of this blasphemous nonsense is here, promoted by the Zio-Communist Gorbachev and the New World Order agent Maurice Strong. See here: I Have The Power [link]. Note that Hitler ( [link] Thule Cult) and al Banna [link] were both demon worshippers. That was the unseen part that allowed the Talmudists to use both of them to perpetrate the evil of Zionism.

Judaizing Gnosticism in one form is Sabbatarianism which is the mildest form there is and that covers up the really evil forms, but at the same time is a gateway to those utterly evil forms: The belief that the weekly Sabbath must be observed from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. Often, Jewish dietary laws and seasonal days of service are also observed by Sabbatarians.

Another form is here. Here is the Judaizing non-Church of Benediktos which goes far beyond simple Sabbatarianism and involves the pharmakeia [link] that means Sorcery in all of its forms including murder and especially abortion and also specifically the equinoxes of Sorcerous ancient Egyptian paganism:


Benediktos 666 Antipope - false prophet
click on picture for link

It is always true that the evil that is drugs [link] is involved, for the term Pharmakeia in Biblical Greek includes abortafacients and illegal drugs and magic and sorcery and witchcraft.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Traditional Catholic Prayers: The flight into Egypt of the Holy Family

Traditional Catholic Prayers: The flight into Egypt of the Holy Family

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: The United States of Denial

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: The United States of Denial


Newt Gingrich is no doubt a revolutionary political thinker.

He has managed to offer an adequate solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. In an interview with Steven Weiss of The Jewish Channel, Gingrich said that the Palestinians are an ‘invented people.’

"I think that we've had an invented Palestinian people, who are in fact Arabs, and were historically part of the Arab community. And they had a chance to go to many places.”

Such an approach to world affairs is consistent with both Walt Disney’s phantasmic vision of reality and Zionist Golda Meir who back in 1969 announced that there was “no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist."[1]

No doubt, Gingrich’s/Meir’s ‘genius’ visionary idea should be applied to every American war and conflict. I guess that it is just a question of time before Gingrich announces that the Iraqi people are also ‘invented’, like the Palestinians they were also part of the Arab community. They may also have to schlep around and leave their beloved country to America and its Zionist rulers.

In fact Gingrich’s approach can be applied to every people in the region and beyond. The Libyans, Syrians, Egyptians, Pakistanis and Afghanis are all invented and should look for a new place to accommodate them. But it can also be applied to the current Western financial turmoil and ethical crisis. All we have to do is just to agree that the current crisis is ‘invented’. We should then close our eyes and hope that once we open them again, peace and prosperity would flourish.

In psychological terms Gingrich is subject to a state of denial. Considering Gingrich being a leading Republican candidate for the presidency, we have good reason to believe that if elected to lead America, the United States of America may as well become the United States of Denial.

The Wandering Who-A Study of Zionist and Hasbara tactics or

[1] Golda Meir, statement to The Sunday Times, 15 June, 1969