Maurice Pinay: Israeli Terrorist, Shimon Peres Surprise Keynote Speaker at 'Congress of World Religions' See below this article about the IV World Congress of Religions for the original article from this link about the III World Congress of Religions.
The final destruction of Islam and its co-opting by the forces of Antichrist and the Beast from the Earth, the False Prophet, the Vatican's head serpent, Benediktos; this has Assisi and the Antipope at the Dome of the Rock written all over it.
Antipope Benedictos current Rothschild False Prophet for the coming Antichrist
Benediktos at the Dome of the Rock
Traditional Islam in Kazakhstan is pursuant to unity and cohesion
May 29. Kazpravda
Traditional Islam in Kazakhstan is pursuant to unity and cohesion Дата:29.05.2012 Просмотров: 235
IV Congress of world and traditional religions starts tomorrow in Astana. Chair of Kazakhstan Muslims’ Spiritual Board and Council of Central Asia Muftis, Supreme Mufti, Sheikh Haji Absattar Derbisali believes the Forum will be fruitful and strengthen cooperation between religious leaders.
- President Nursultan Nazarbayev has repeatedly emphasized that mutual respect and tolerance is irreplaceable, - started the Supreme Mufti. - The religious forum has improved international image of Kazakhstan as a peaceful nation.
- Dear Absattar Haji, today, probably no one would argue that religion is an important factor in life of every society and every person...
- True, culture is impossible without true religion and faith. History shows that a government without a religion is short-lived. Islam occupies a special place in the history of mankind. This religion is an inexhaustible source of life wisdom.
Discoveries made by scientists from different countries written in the Holy Koran a half thousand years ago as revelations, were sent down by the Creator. Islam religion, chosen by our ancestors, called for friendship and unity only and had a great educational value.
Islam teaches us to respect elders, parents, to live a pious life, protect environment - flora and fauna, enjoy all these benefits, strictly observing permissible limits. The Holy Koran provides guidance for pious life and sets a wonderful harmony and concord of all things.
Today we see that Islam is a unique phenomenon that has had a significant impact on human history. Unfortunately, at present there are a lot of new ideologies, promising universal prosperity, but they fail one after another. Islamic doctrine, year after year, attracts interest, opening new vistas of knowledge. Our faith initially teaches us moral purity, calls for worshiping the Almighty Creator and to follow His Prophet (Allah bless him and welcome!).
Muslims developed a variety of sciences - medicine, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, philosophy, history, geography, and many others. During the reign of caliph Harun Rashid (in 753-809) and Mamun (in 786-833) Muslims’ striving for knowledge and their capacity for scientific discovery outstripped the whole world. Each field has its outstanding scientists, who were recognized worldwide. For example, in medicine it is Abu Bakr ar-Razi, Ibn Sina (Avicenna); mathematics - Al-Khwarizmi, Ibn Jamshid, al-Biruni; chemistry - Jabir ibn Haiyang, al-Maqdisi; philosophy - Abu Nasir al-Farabi, al- Kindi; astronomy - Al-Battani, Ali Kushdzhi; history - al-Masudi, at- Tabari, Ibn Khaldun; geography - Ibn Battuta, Ibn Haukal.
Throughout the ages, the older generation devolved knowledge and national traditions to the youth. People respected those who read namaz.
- Kazakhs’ peaceful life was interrupted by the Soviet regime, which turned new, including tragic pages in the people's life.
- As a result mosques were destroyed, and people pronouncing the name of God, were persecuted. An era of atheism had come. However, Kazakh people, no matter how oppressed and repressed they were, had managed to preserve the true faith in their hearts. The Creator set limits and Soviet government, insinuating intolerance to the religion during 70 years, had collapsed, leaving a spiritual vacuum.
The vacuum was filled by some non-traditional trends and even some destructive religions were among them. Therefore, the main part of post-Soviet states adopted laws to avoid interreligious conflicts. In the result Administration for Religious Affairs and mufti councils were established.
- What are the actions taken by Kazakhstan Muslims’ Spiritual Board?
- Our Board and all the mosques’ work is based on the Hanafi school and in accordance with Imam Maturidi’s Akida (faith, belief, outlook), supported by our ancestors to strengthen unity and solidarity of people.
In order to promote Islam and its ideas the Muslim Board has organized two international conferences - "Islam - religion of unity and harmony" and "1350-anniversary of Imam Agzam Abu Hanifa".
When we talk about traditional Islam, we mean the Hanafi school, supported by Kazakhstan Muslims. Today a quarter of the world's population is Muslims, most of them are followers of the Hanafiyah, that is one of the main reasons why for many centuries, Central Asia and Kazakhstan are free from religious differences. The efforts of our Board are based on uniting the Muslim nations around the Hanafi madhhab.
- Are there any difficulties in solving problems?
- Spiritual Board of RK Muslims is the main center of Islam religion in our country, and it was organized at the beginning of RK independence. However, the state status of our center is a religious department! So, officially the Muslim Board is a public organization and is one of hundreds of religious offices in Kazakhstan. It means that the state funding does not come to our Mosques in all Kazakhstan towns and regions (mosques remain without water and heating, Imams – without salaries).
Young and educated professionals do not want to work in rural districts because of low salary, absence of accommodation and other amenities. It is clear that to solve these problems an appropriate state program is required.
Recently the Board opened a charity “Zakat Fund". As it is known, one of the five pillars of Islam is zakat (it is a kind of property tax, given to the poor by the rich). Unfortunately some Muslims do not even know about its existence. Therefore the Board set a goal to promote Islamic ideas and pay salary to mullahs and imams in remote villages by means of the charity Zakat Fund.
In our country, Islam is successfully developing along with other traditional religions. It should be noted that several years ago President Nursultan Nazarbayev initiated establishment of Islamic Fund of culture and education, due to which a large number of Islamic books and pamphlets are freely available today in the mosques.
I am glad that Kurban Ait has become the biggest Muslim holiday. I think that this is a real contribution to the prosperity of our true religion.
In June 2011 at the World Islamic Economic Forum in Astana, President Nursultan Nazarbayev said: "The Muslim world, which is the fifth of the world's population, is far below its potential in economic area".
President also said: "We know that Islam condemns terrorism and all kinds of violence. Therefore, we have to resist actions of various radical groups and organizations within the country, hiding behind religion".
- What should be undertaken to address this challenge?
- First of all we need to strengthen out traditional faith, unity and solidarity among Muslims. The Islamic religion allows one to understand the concept of responsibility. Thus, one Hadis says: "All you are shepherds, and all you are responsible for your flock, a governor is a shepherd (a managing director of a state), responsible for his flock, a man is a shepherd to his family and is responsible for it, a woman - a shepherd of her husband at home, and she is responsible for him...
Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions is another evidence of Kazakhstan leadership’s responsibility, promoting global harmony and peace. The process, initiated by President Nursultan Nazarbayev, is a guarantee of a multi-level security not only in Kazakhstan, but also in international community.
According to the Hanafi school a real Muslim is not the one who strictly fulfills the rules, established many centuries ago, but a person, who believes in the unity of Allah and Muhammad’s prophecy (God bless him and welcome!). Islam is a perfect doctrine, promoting best minds of mankind and supporting a better culture!
The Spiritual Board is planning to open a special research center to study Hanafi school’s vast heritage, collect data on Agzam Imam (may Allah have mercy on him! ), an imam Akida Maturidi and others..
May the Creator stabilize unity and solidarity of our nation! Amen!
The Assisi abomination is catching and going for the throat of the Holy Land.
Maurice Pinay: Israeli Terrorist, Shimon Peres Surprise Keynote Speaker at 'Congress of World Religions'
Third Congress of World Religions 08.07.2009
The Vision of Shared Moral Values
The third "Congress of World Religions" took place the first two days of July 2009 in Kazakhstan. By appealing for more tolerance and cooperation between the religions, the host country wants to raise its profile as international peacemaker. By Edda Schlager
77 delegations from all over the world were invited to the two-day congress at the "Palace of Peace and Reconciliation" designed by star architect Sir Norman Foster
"I come from the Middle East and therefore I prefer to sit in a pyramid – a better symbol than the Tower of Babel, which stands for people's inability to understand each other."
With these words Israeli president Shimon Peres voiced his approval of the venue in the Kazakhstan capital of Astana where the "Congress of World Religions" was held on 1 and 2 July.
Over 500 members of all major religions from 35 different countries responded to the invitation, among them representatives of various Christian confessions such as Catholics, Russian-Orthodox and Protestants, along with Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists and Zoroastrians.
They all convened at the "Palace of Peace and Reconciliation," a futuristic pyramid designed by star architect Sir Norman Foster for the capital city's new centre.
Incursion of politics into religion
Apparently, not all of the participants understood the call for interreligious dialogue in the same way as the organisers. As Shimon Peres held his opening address, the Iranian delegation demonstratively walked out.
Abusing the Congress of World Religions for political purposes? Kazakhstan's President Nazarbayev (left: Shimon Peres)
"We've come to hear religious leaders," remarked Mehdi Mostafavi, president of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organisation in Iran. "Peres is not a religious leader, but a man of violence."
The Iranian delegation didn't find out until the day before the conference that Shimon Peres would not only attend, but had also been chosen as keynote speaker, and they reacted by threatening not to come. They did however return to the conference hall once Peres had finished his speech.
Despite this confrontation, those attending the conference were unanimous in their assessment that only mutual tolerance, understanding for the positions of the others and an active exchange on the existential problems of humanity could lead to lasting peace.
The dream of a new world order
Kazakhstan hosted the "Congress of World Religions" for the third time, after prior events in 2003 and 2006. With this initiative the country not only wants to enhance its status as international peacemaker amongst the religions – Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev also took advantage of the platform to pitch himself as initiator of a restructuring of the global order.
In his keynote speech, Nazarbayev linked the appeal for mutual understanding he addressed to the religious representatives in attendance with an analysis of the financial crisis: "The current crisis offers a unique opportunity to realise the dream of a new world order," he pointed out. To pass up such a chance would be inexcusable.
At the last Congress of World Religions in Astana, the attendees already discussed opportunities and ways to promote the dialogue between religious communities on a global scale
Now was the time to change the world not through a military conflict, as in the past, but instead through peaceful acceptance of disparate positions.
Israel's President Shimon Peres, on his first state visit to Kazakhstan, called on Saudi Arabian King Abdullah to meet with him in Jerusalem or Riyadh to move forward with the Middle East peace process.
Thanks to its interreligious engagement, Kazakhstan would also be suitable as meeting place, noted Peres. The Saudi Arabian king had recently suggested an Israeli-Arab peace initiative in which Israel and all 75 Arab states should participate.
"All religions turn to the same God"
Sheik Mohammed Said Tantawi, imam of Al Azkhar University in Cairo, called for tolerance and friendship between the faiths. "All religions turn to the same God," said Tantawi. With this in mind, every single person could "be at peace not only with himself, but also show acknowledgement, tolerance, love and friendship to others."
Engaged in religious dialogue - and in the banning of sects: Absattar Bagisbayevich Derbisali (left), Kazakhstan's Supreme Mufti
Cardinal Jean-Luis Tauran, president of the Papal Council for Interreligious Dialogue and leader of the Catholic delegation in Astana, reminded the attendees in his greeting address that peace must be based on justice.
"I don't like the word 'tolerance'," Tauran commented. "It's frequently misused. A brother does not want to be tolerated, but to be loved." According to Tauran, Pope Benedict XVI was also following the congress with a great deal of goodwill.
The Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yona Metzger, sees the main job of religious leaders as consisting in "strengthening trust, justice and moral values." Metzger admonished the participants not to "misuse religious places to spread terrorism or as weapons depots".
Faith cannot be enforced
Phra Dharmakosajarn, member of the Buddhist delegation and rector of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University in Bangkok, said he was impressed that Kazakh President Nazarbayev had succeeded in bringing together Shimon Peres and numerous Middle Eastern representatives of Islam.
Yona Metzger, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, (left), and Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
"I don't expect any immediate measures to come out of this congress; results can only be expected in the long term," remarked Dharmakosajarn. "But it is a step in the right direction."
The Archbishop of Kazakhstan, Tomash Peta, admitted, "The congress is naturally a big show, but why not, if there are honourable intentions behind it?"
He himself takes a critical view of the peaceful coexistence of over 40 religions and confessions as propagated by the Kazakh leadership. "Faith cannot be enforced by the municipal government, the 'Akimat'," said Peta. It has to come from the people themselves.
Planned tightening of religious law
Just how credible Kazakhstan's commitment to interreligious dialogue really is remains to be seen in the coming months, because the Kazakh parliament has plans to tighten the country's law on religion. In February of this year a proposed amendment was only stopped by the Kazakh constitutional council, which deemed it unconstitutional.
The revisions to the current law would prescribe, for example, that children have to have permission from both parents to take part in religious events, and that those who introduce, publish and disseminate religious literature would face high penalties.
With these new laws, Kazakhstan wanted to target primarily religious groups such as Baptists, Jehova's Witnesses or Hare Krishna, which the Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan, Absattar Derbisali, refers to as "sects".
A plea for interreligious dialogue
The United Nations Commission on Freedom of Religion had already censured the draft legislation sharply even before the constitutional council announced its decision, pointing out that the country that will be taking on the chairmanship of the OSCE from 2010 should be particularly committed to the human rights policies and democratic principles of the OSCE member states.
In their closing note the participants in the conference spoke out on behalf of "shared moral values" as the only way to avoid interreligious and interconfessional conflicts. They voiced the hope that interreligious dialogue could help to circumvent stereotypes, prejudices and religious disputes.
The organisers of the "Congress of World Religions" – wisely – neglected to mention the ongoing debate on the tightening of Kazakhstan's religious laws.
Edda Schlager
Update link.
Related information:
Maurice Pinay: Founder of American Judaism, Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise: "Masonry founded by Jews as a cosmopolitical institution"